Code and Title of Qualification - BSB60720 Advanced Diploma of Program Management

Training Package Business Services Training Package Link to Training Package
AQF Level Level 6 Implementation Guide
CRICOS Course Code 104448C Duration 52 Weeks

Introduction to Qualification

This qualification reflects the role of individuals who apply specialised knowledge and skills, together with experience in program management across a range of enterprise and industry contexts. The job roles that relate to this qualification include Program Manager.

Individuals in these roles are responsible for managing or directing a program to achieve organisational objectives. A program is defined as a set of interrelated projects, each of which has a project manager.

Entry Requirements

Entry to this qualification is limited to those who:

  1. Have completed one of the following qualifications: BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management; or BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management (or a superseded equivalent version). Or
  2. Have completed two years equivalent full-time relevant workplace experience at a significant level within a project or program environment within an enterprise.
Course Structure

A total number of units including 4 core units PLUS 8 elective units is required for the award of this qualification.

Units of Competency Core/Elective
BSBPMG630 Enable program execution Core
BSBPMG634 Facilitate stakeholder engagement Core
BSBPMG635 Implement program governance Core
BSBPMG636 Manage benefits Core
BSBCRT611 Apply critical thinking for complex problem solving Elective
BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational change Elective
BSBSTR601 Manage innovation and continuous improvement Elective
BSBPEF502 Develop and use emotional intelligence Elective
BSBFIN601 Manage organisational finances Elective
BSBSTR602 Develop organisational strategies Elective
BSBOPS601Develop and implement business plans Elective
BSBSUS601 Lead corporate social responsibility Elective
Assessment arrangements

A range of assessment and evidence gathering methods and techniques are used, including 2 – 4 or more methods for each unit of competency. For this course, methods include:

Assessment Task 1. Written Activity

Assessment Task 2. Observation/Demonstration/Presentation

Assessment Task 3. Project works


Students who have successfully complete this qualification will be able to further complete BBSB50620 - Diploma of Marketing and Communication.


TACIS has qualified trainers/assessors with relevant vocational qualifications and experience. Existing trainers/assessors are required to have the current Certificate IV in Training and Assessment and relevant competencies for the areas in which they are delivering or assessing.

Delivery Arrangements

Students are required to complete 12 units of competency for the award of this qualification.
Approximate nominal hours required to complete qualification are 1200-2400 hours.

International students enrolled in this qualification are expected to complete their studies over a period of 52 weeks including 4 x 10 weeks terms and 12 weeks holiday breaks. The breakdown will be as follows:

1. Face-to-face and online tuition hours in total: 800 hours/40 weeks
2. Preparation for assessments: 10-15 hours/unit x 12 units = 120-180hrs
3. Delivery of this course will be via face-to-face classroom workshops for 2 days/week at TACIS premises and independent online studies for a minimum of 6 hours/week.

Learner Educational and Support Services

All Students are required to attend an induction session prior to commencement. All policies and procedures are explained in full. Students are also provided with a “Student Handbook” and information about the course and assessments.

Students are invited to contact their trainer for details and support. Where the application form indicates that Students may have special needs or a problem with English, a language, literacy and numeracy test will be conducted during the orientation session to identify any Students  who may require additional support.

A range of support services are available free of charge to Students and are confidential. This will include, as appropriate:

  1. Counselling – general or personal, support and referrals
  2. Study assistance as required
  3. Language, literacy and numeracy support
  4. Accommodating work and study

Any identified support needs will be recorded on the Individual Training Plan.